This required only about thirty seconds, before Houdini emerged, holding all of the restraints triumphantly over his head, as a transfixed audience of thousands watched from a Mississippi levee. A subsequent jump in New Orleans, included not only handcuffs but chains wrapped around his limbs and padlocked at his throat. Not only was this particular jump witnessed by an estimated ten thousand spectators, Houdini cleverly was able to exhibit the film footage in subsequent performances in theaters and arenas, cutting edge stuff in 1907. Underwater for no more than fifteen seconds, Houdini quickly emerged, holding the now removed restraints in the air.

On May 6, 1907, when Houdini jumped from a bridge in Rochester, New York, he also incorporated the new phenomenon of motion pictures, a two minute clip of this exploit is still easily found on the internet today. To publicize commercial appearances, the escape artist also began the practice of jumping handcuffed from bridges spanning whatever river ran through the city where he was performing. Houdini, moments before jumping into the Charles River. Successful in several different media ranging from vaudeville to motion pictures, this performer was also an astute businessman who incorporated both groundbreaking copyright implementation and sensational publicity to establish himself as the first 20 th century entertainment superstar. You can literally sit and think about the solution without even touching the puzzle.Few personalities have achieved the worldwide fame and popularity of Harry Houdini. The puzzle is to then work out how to use those tools to solve it. Unlike The Opening Bat where the puzzle was completely hidden inside, this puzzle has been presented in such a way that most elements of the puzzle are visible to you. Brian felt the idea was unique and very satisfying to solve so he revisited the idea and made a separate puzzle. The idea for Houdini’s Torture Cell came from one of the locks in the incredibly complex The Opening Bat puzzle (part of the Sold Out Limited Edition 2010 series). There is a tool to discover for every aspect of the solve. Yes, there are lots of magnets in the puzzle but no “hitting” or “banging” is necessary to solve it. One feature that Brian builds into many of these types of sequential discovery puzzles is to give you something to find almost immediately better to maintain interest in the puzzle. To free Houdini from his cell you’ll have to discover the tools and work out how to use them. South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands ($).